Self-Employed Financial Planning

Helping Self-Employed Individuals Grow Their Finances

Working for yourself has a number of advantages but from a financial standpoint, income and future planning, you are on your own. Balancing your short-term financial requirements with your long-term goals can be challenging, which is where we come in.

We can work alongside you to create a plan for the future!

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Planning For The Future

Helping to invest for the future, building pension assets and introducing a degree of insurance protection.

Self-Employed Pension Planning

Advice and guidance on long-term pension planning and tax-efficient funding to enhance long-term returns.
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Self-Employed Protection Insurance

Using protection insurance, we can create a financial safety net for your business income and your family’s finances.
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The value of investments can go down as well as up in value so you could get back less than you put in. You can’t normally access money in a pension until age 55 (57 from 2028) when up to 25% is usually tax free, the rest is taxable. Pension and tax rules can change, their benefits depend on your circumstances.

The Benefits of Self-Employed Financial Planning

The day-to-day running of your business is the most important thing for you to worry about, but long-term financial planning and income protection shouldn’t be forgotten about – at the end of the day, that’s what you work for!

Personal Financial Advice Tailored to the Self-Employed

We appreciate the practical and financial challenges of self-employment, the lack of supportive employers, and often restricted access to statutory benefits. We can be the supportive shoulder to lean on, working closely with you to create a flexible long-term financial plan, looking to protect and enhance finances going forward.

Understanding, Supportive and Forward Thinking

The key to financial success is maintaining a long-term view while addressing short-term issues and changing situations. Our independent status gives us unrestricted access to financial products allowing us to shape solutions around your situation while retaining a degree of flexibility.

Shielding your short-term income while protecting your long-term capital
Providing protection for family and loved ones, creating your financial legacy
Maximising tax breaks and allowances and reacting to regulatory changes

Our Philosophy

Long-Term Investment Approach

Our advice is focused on long-term financial returns rather than short-term market fluctuations, thereby emphasising the value of patience and consistency in achieving financial goals. This strategy is supported by a wealth of experience and expertise across the financial market.

Holistic Financial Planning

While focused on pensions and protection insurance, we appreciate the wider financial picture of our clients, adapting and adjusting our advice accordingly. It’s important to avoid a blinkered approach to financial services, instead creating a comprehensive financial plan.

Transparency and Integrity

Our open and honest approach to investment advice, transparent and available to answer any questions, resonates well with clients. We appreciate the value of trust and integrity, which are critical to long-term client relationships.